By placing an order on our website, you agree to the following terms and conditions:


Our Promise, Returns, and Refunds:

We promise to deliver fresh, beautiful flowers across Dublin and beyond.

If the flowers don't seem fresh, let us know within 48 hours with a photo and we'll replace them or refund them.

If the flowers get damaged during transit, contact us within 48 hours with a photo and we'll replace them or refund them.

Due to the perishable nature of flowers, we cannot accept returns.


Orders and Cancellations

We have the right to reject your order.

If you want to make changes or cancel your order, email us at

For same-day delivery, please place your order before 1:30pm.

You can cancel a one-time order by 9 am the day before the scheduled delivery for a full refund



Your on-line payments are securely processed by Stripe Payment Processor.

Your in-store and over-the-phone payments are securely processed by BOI Payment Acceptance (part of the EVO group which was acquired by the Global Payments Group in 2023).

We don't store or have access to your card information.



All prices shown include VAT (Value Added Tax).


Delivery Policy:

Our own drivers and vehicles handle the deliveries.

The delivery charges will be displayed at checkout.

We will deliver on the date of your choosing, but cannot guarantee the exact time of delivery.

If no one is available to receive the delivery, we will try again the next day.

If your flowers haven't arrived within 3 days of the intended delivery date, contact us at to claim a refund within 7 days.


Circumstances Beyond Our Control:

We are not liable and cannot be held responsible for delivery delays or failures due to:

● Adverse weather conditions

● Government actions

● Acts of God


Customer and Recipient Personal Information:

It is important to provide accurate personal information.

We respect your privacy and will not share or sell your private information.

We use your email address for order confirmations, updates, and marketing communications.

Your full name, address, and telephone number are needed for credit card validation and delivery purposes.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at


Call us on +353 1 485 1909